▼ agent | |
▼ src | |
► capability | |
baseconfigstore.cpp | |
baseconfigstore.h | Contains the softwarecontainer::BaseConfigStore class |
configstoreerror.h | |
defaultconfigstore.cpp | |
defaultconfigstore.h | |
filteredconfigstore.cpp | |
filteredconfigstore.h | |
servicemanifestfileloader.cpp | |
servicemanifestfileloader.h | |
servicemanifestloader.h | |
► config | |
commandlineconfigsource.cpp | |
commandlineconfigsource.h | |
config.cpp | |
config.h | |
configdefinition.cpp | |
configdefinition.h | |
configerror.h | |
configitem.cpp | |
configitem.h | |
configloader.h | |
configsource.h | |
configtypes.h | |
defaultconfigsource.cpp | |
defaultconfigsource.h | |
fileconfigloader.cpp | |
fileconfigloader.h | |
mainconfigsource.cpp | |
mainconfigsource.h | |
► containeroptions | |
containeroptionparser.cpp | |
containeroptionparser.h | |
dynamiccontaineroptions.cpp | |
dynamiccontaineroptions.h | |
► dbus | |
softwarecontaineragent_dbus_common.cpp | |
softwarecontaineragent_dbus_common.h | |
softwarecontaineragent_dbus_stub.cpp | |
softwarecontaineragent_dbus_stub.h | |
softwarecontaineragentadaptor.cpp | |
softwarecontaineragentadaptor.h | |
containerutilityinterface.cpp | |
containerutilityinterface.h | Contains the softwarecontainer::ContainerUtilityAbstractInterface class |
main.cpp | |
softwarecontaineragent.cpp | |
softwarecontaineragent.h | Contains the softwarecontainer::SoftwareContainerAgent class |
softwarecontainerfactory.cpp | |
softwarecontainerfactory.h | Contains the softwarecontainer::SoftwareContainerFactory class |
▼ common | |
cleanuphandler.h | |
createdir.cpp | |
createdir.h | |
directorycleanuphandler.cpp | |
directorycleanuphandler.h | |
filecleanuphandler.cpp | |
filecleanuphandler.h | |
filetoolkitwithundo.cpp | |
filetoolkitwithundo.h | |
gatewayconfig.cpp | |
gatewayconfig.h | |
ivi-profiling.h | |
jsonparser.cpp | |
jsonparser.h | |
mountcleanuphandler.cpp | |
mountcleanuphandler.h | |
overlaysynccleanuphandler.cpp | |
overlaysynccleanuphandler.h | |
recursivecopy.cpp | |
recursivecopy.h | |
recursivedelete.cpp | |
recursivedelete.h | |
signalconnectionshandler.cpp | |
signalconnectionshandler.h | |
softwarecontainer-common.cpp | |
softwarecontainer-common.h | |
softwarecontainer-log.h | |
softwarecontainererror.h | |
▼ dbus-proxy | |
▼ src | |
proxy.c | |
proxy.h | |
▼ libsoftwarecontainer | |
▼ include | |
► config | |
softwarecontainerconfig.h | |
commandjob.h | |
executable.h | |
functionjob.h | |
jobabstract.h | |
observableproperty.h | |
softwarecontainer.h | |
softwarecontainerabstractinterface.h | Contains the softwarecontainer::SoftwareContainerAbstractInterface class |
▼ src | |
► config | |
softwarecontainerconfig.cpp | |
► gateway | |
► cgroups | |
cgroupsgateway.cpp | |
cgroupsgateway.h | |
cgroupsparser.cpp | |
cgroupsparser.h | |
► dbus | |
dbusgateway.cpp | |
dbusgateway.h | |
dbusgatewayinstance.cpp | |
dbusgatewayinstance.h | |
dbusgatewayparser.cpp | |
dbusgatewayparser.h | |
► devicenode | |
devicenode.cpp | |
devicenode.h | |
devicenodegateway.cpp | |
devicenodegateway.h | |
devicenodelogic.cpp | |
devicenodelogic.h | |
► environment | |
envgateway.cpp | |
envgateway.h | |
envgatewayparser.cpp | |
envgatewayparser.h | |
► files | |
filegateway.cpp | |
filegateway.h | |
filegatewayparser.cpp | |
filegatewayparser.h | |
filegatewaysettingstore.cpp | |
filegatewaysettingstore.h | |
► network | |
iptableentry.cpp | |
iptableentry.h | |
netlink.cpp | |
netlink.h | |
networkgateway.cpp | |
networkgateway.h | |
networkgatewayfunctions.cpp | |
networkgatewayfunctions.h | |
networkgatewayparser.cpp | |
networkgatewayparser.h | |
gateway.cpp | |
gateway.h | |
gatewayparsererror.h | |
pulsegateway.cpp | |
pulsegateway.h | |
waylandgateway.cpp | |
waylandgateway.h | |
► jobs | |
commandjob.cpp | |
functionjob.cpp | |
jobabstract.cpp | |
container.cpp | |
container.h | |
containerabstractinterface.h | |
softwarecontainer.cpp | |