
The filesystem behavior and layout is documented in this chapter. The document discusses how the container filesystem is created, where the different mount points are pulled in from and the mechanisms that changes the behavior of the filesystem.

Standard filesystem

Each container has a rootfs that is bind mounted as the containers root filesystem of said container. The creation and bind mounting of the root filesystem is automated based on a configuration file and a shell script provided at startup. The process of creating the filesystem and bind mounting different parts is spread out over several involved parties because of this. Following is a rough description of the steps taken when setting up the standard filesystem for SoftwareContainer:

  1. The root filesystem directory is created and the directory is empty on creation.
  2. It is setup by the lxc-softwarecontainer script, which is run when the container is created.
  3. The lxc-softwarecontainer creates several basic directories creating a normal unix environment as defined by Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS).
  4. The filesystem is still mostly empty except for directories and some basic files such as /etc/passwd etc.
  5. LXC then mounts some basic directories defined in the libsoftwarecontainer/softwarecontainer.conf.
  6. On top of this, non standard mountpoints are also used to mount for example the gateway directories etc. inside the filesystem. These are defined using BindMountFolderInContainer, or mounted by the different gateways.

The basic filesystem looks like this on startup:

├── config
└── rootfs
    ├── bin
    ├── dev
    ├── etc
    │   ├── group
    │   ├── machine-id
    │   ├── passwd
    │   ├── pulse
    │   │   └── client.conf
    │   └── resolv.conf
    ├── gateways
    ├── home
    ├── lib
    ├── lib64
    ├── proc
    ├── root
    ├── sbin
    ├── tmp
    └── usr
        ├── lib
        ├── lib64
        ├── local
        └── sbin


Mount points can be created anywhere inside the container filestructure using the BindMountFolderInContainer and gateway configurations which can mount separate files inside the container filesystem.

Write Buffered Filesystems

A write buffer can be enabled on containers where it is known that the application may be misbehaving towards the underlying filesystem. This can be overly high number of writes leading to an early death of storage devices for example. Enabling the write buffer will provide a layer of protection for the filesystem by only allowing a final write of the changes in the upper layer when the container is shutting down.

To enable the write buffer, set the writeBufferEnabled option in the com.pelagicore.SoftwareContainerAgent.Create(config) call. This is done using the config parameter in specific, for example, this JSON config:

    "writeBufferEnabled": true

The underlying mechanism of the write buffer is the OverlayFS which mounts a lower, upper and work directory together into a mountpoint. Files are written temporarily into the work directory while being worked on and then into the upper directory. The upper directory is merged on top of the lower directory. If a file from the lower filesystem is opened and then edited, it will be written in the upper directory and the user of the mountpoint will see only the changed file.


Enabling the write buffer will enable write buffers for all filesystems, both the rootfs and the all bindmounted filesystems inside the container. Also, the filesystems will no longer be bindmounted technically, as bindmounting and overlayfs are mutually exclusive.

If a file is created in the lower filesystem, the file will be visible in the merged filesystem, but it will not be part of the upper or work filesystems unless someone opens it from the merged filesystem, edits and saves it.

Opening a file in upper or work does not create a file in the lower filesystem until it is synced to the lower filesystem. Syncing is performed when a container is destroyed using the com.pelagicore.SoftwareContainerAgent.Destroy(id) call.

The upper directory is a temporarily created directory in the /tmp filesystem. The work is also a temporary filesystem.

"Description of OverlayFS layering"

When the container is shutdown and the mountpoints are cleaned up, the upper filesystem is copied into the lower filesystem causing the filesystem changes performed during its runtime to be merged into the lower layers.


Non-directory types of files can not be mounted using overlayfs. These will automatically fall back on using the default behavior of bind mounting the files into the filesystem of the container.

Temporary Filesystem

The write buffers can be configured to use a separate temporary filesystem (tmpfs) which can be limited in size. The tmpfs is mounted on top of the containers temporary directory as soon as it’s created and will remain there until the container is destroyed. All overlayfs mounts and temporary directories should be created inside this tmpfs mount.

The size of the tmpfs can also be limited using an extra configuration option in the Create DBus call to the SoftwareContainerAgent. An example configuration would look like this:

    "writeBufferEnabled": true,
    "temporaryFileSystemWriteBufferEnabled": true,
    "temporaryFileSystemSize": 10485760

The temporaryFileSystemWriteBufferEnabled setting enables the tmpfs creation as described above, while the temporaryFileSystemSize variable sets the size of the tmpfs in bytes.


The temporaryFileSystemSize parameter will not be parsed unless the temporaryFileSystemWriteBufferEnabled parameter is true. The temporaryFileSystemSize is not required if the temporaryFileSystemWriteBufferEnabled is set to false or not added at all.


The tmpfs is shared between the upper and work directories in overlayfs being mounted to the rootfs and all the directories being bindmounted into a single instance of a container.